Yesterday I had the pleasure of attending a workshop hosted by the Island Corridor Foundation titled "Get on the Train". The event was designed to review a recent baseline investigation on the rail based tourism opportunities in the region and to explore additional opportunities for product development, service integration and business opportunities.
I was asked to participate in the afternoon session as one of the dragons in the "Dragon's Den" activity along with Don Barrie (Tourism Cowichan), Neil Malbon (Alerni Valley Tourism), Mark Drysdale (Tourism Nanaimo) and Heather Maycock (Tourism Vancouver Island). Together, we asked questions and provided constructive criticism for new tourism/rail related business ventures that were designed by the delegates.
The afternoon went extremely well and I wanted to write a short blog post to promote both the work of the Foundation, but also for the structure of the day. I am a big fan of "knowledge mobilization" which means moving knowledge to people in ways that work for them, and in time for them to act upon it. We live in a world of too much information and are constantly inundated with even more. Sometimes we fall into a rut of trying to seek more, and then limiting the ways that we share it. Most conferences and workshops have speakers and more speakers and offer little opportunity for people to get engaged in the topic area, share their ideas or most importantly, learn something new.
The Dragon's Den activity was an innovative approach to engage people, let them meet others, explore ideas, and allow learning to take place. As teams presented their ideas, delegates all learned about possibilities in the region and from the feedback provided from the Dragon's, they also learned about what will and will not work to develop the rail tourism product in the region.
Congratulations to the winning team that developed ideas around "Accessibility Tours" partnering with local businesses and rural areas to provide people with mobility impairments the opportunity to experience the region. And congratulations to The Island Corridor Foundation on the event.
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